Cooke County’s Oldest HVAC Company
MCM Heating and Air Conditioning can trace its roots back to 1967 as Macready Heat and Air. One of the founding partners, Mr. Irby Macready, started his company with the idea of providing reliable service for the up-and-coming air conditioning market. Irby worked full-time at National Supply during the day and ran his heating and air conditioning business part-time out of his home at night and on weekends. When National Supply closed down, Irby went to work full-time in his business.

The other founding partner, Mr. Alford Morris, started his company in 1978 as Morris Heating and Air. Alford initially concentrated on the mobile home market but later spread out to residential homes. Since he also worked at National Supply, its closing forced Alford to invest himself full-time into his heating and air conditioning business.
In 1989, Alford Morris and Irby Macready, friends since their days at National Supply years earlier, decided to join their heating and air conditioning companies to form MCM Heating and Air Conditioning. They specialized in residential service, installation, and some commercial refrigeration.
In 2005, Irby Macready and Alford Morris decided to retire. Irby sold half of the business to his daughter and son-in-law, Darrel and Kristi (Macready) Timmins, and Alford gave his half to his son, Jeff Morris. This change in ownership has benefited MCM Heating & Air Conditioning, as their young and fresh ideas have revamped the company and taken it into the 21st century. MCM now offers many services and products that had not previously been offered, such as zoning, heat loads, and air purification.
In August 2015, Jeff Morris passed away. The Timmins bought Jeff’s half of the business, and Kristi came to work full time handling the financial side of the business. Darrel continued working on the service side of the business.

Outstanding Dealer Award

MCM Heating & Air Conditioning is proud to be an American Standard “Outstanding Dealer Award” winner. That makes 19 years straight, having won every year since 2006!
We owe our continued success to our customers! Thank you for years of personal recommendations, testimonials, and 5-star ratings!
You have made MCM Heating & Air Conditioning the most sought-after HVAC company in Cooke and Surrounding Counties.